Indiana Consumer Lawyer Blog


Indiana’s Lemon Law, How Does It Compare? (Part 2)

In Part 1 of this series, we compared the “reasonable allowance for use” provisions of Indiana’s Motor Vehicle Protection Act (Indiana’s “lemon law”) against Indiana’s neighboring states’ lemon laws and found that Indiana’s lemon law was the least favorable for consumers. In Part 2 of this series, I’d like to…


Indiana Real Estate Appraisers and Agents Apparently Need More Oversight

Indiana Attorney General Steve Carter has issued a press release applauding the passage by the Indiana House and Senate of a measure that would make the Homeowner Protection Unit a permanent part of the Attorney General’s Office. The Homeowner Protection Unit was created as an experimental unit two years ago.…


Indiana Consumer Lawyer Rant On Class-Action Lawsuits

I recently received an e-mail notice of the pending resolution of a class-action lawsuit against Experian, one of the big three credit reporting agencies. Experian had been sued “because of the way [they] advertised their credit scores and credit-monitoring products and because of certain information about credit that was contained…